Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Love and Understanding

Day off in Salamanca
Another day off, this time in Salamanca. The weather was beautiful. I’m missing home a little bit today. Mid-July in the Bay is simply exquisite, and right about now I’d be pulling the cover off the ‘Lac, and Joy and I would be riding thru the town with the top down on the ‘68, not doing anything much. Even with the price of gas and the size of that tank, those moments are priceless. Old-school owners feel me. Specifically Cadillac owners, stand up.
She (meaning Joy) is not on this leg of the tour, and I miss her. I’ll see her in about a week when she comes out with D-Sharp for the second leg, and I can’t wait. It sucks for me personally, but to remain positive, I tell myself it’s good for my art (I guess). Inspired by those feelings, I stayed in the hotel most of the day and worked on a few new songs for my next album. In between, for inspiration I’ve been listening to her album, just so I can hear her voice. “Love And Understanding” is bangin’, btw! It’s been such a part of our lives for the past couple years that I needed some distance from it, but for the past couple days I’ve been totally immersed in it again. I can’t wait for people to hear it. Love and Understanding, 10/21 on Quannum Projects, peoples. Sorry, I just had that promo-graphic urge.
Later on that evening we celebrated Stanton’s B-day in town. We went from restaurant to restaurant eating Tapas all over again. Although it wasn’t as good as San Sebastian, it was still off the chain. With all these off days, and good food around, I know I’m bulking up. This ain’t good. I mean it is, but it ain’t.


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